Friday, May 4, 2012

Up go the baby gates!

It's official!! I have a crawling boy! *sniff* He made his first success at being mobile on Wednesday (5/2/12)! Chasing his paci of all things! That boy sure loves his paci! He is now all over the place! In the kitchen, dining room, living room! Keeping a close eye on him is a must now! Gone are the days when we were able to get put him in a spot with his toys walk away for a moment and return to him still in the same spot.

This crawling thing has also begun the new injuries....a bloody nose for instance. He bonked his face on the floor reaching for a toy and his poor little nose took the fall! Not a bad one. Very little blood. BUT blood none the less! And boy was he ticked! According to daddy, it's the red hair! I beg to differ though! I think he gets is attitude from daddy!

We reached another milestone this week as well! On Monday (5/1/12) I went into his room to get him up from his nap and he was sitting up smiling at me! Time to lower the crib mattress! Now he goes from laying to sitting with ease! Like he has known how all along! It is crazy the amount of milestones in one week or the fact that last week he couldn't do either of these things! I just can't believe how fast he is growing a changing. He has started recently to notice when I leave the room. Daddy will be holding him and I'll be getting ready to go to bed and as soon as I leave the room, he will start to fuss. Only for a moment....but it tugs at the heart strings for sure! I love that he reaches for me now! Or that when I am holding him and grandma, daddy, sissy...anyone really....put their hands out for him to come to them, he leans away and grabs onto my clothes. It is such an amazing feeling to know that he wants me and not someone else at that moment! I LOVE IT!

His current dislikes are in abundance right now too! He HATES having his nose wiped! If he even sees you come towards him with a baby wipe or burp rag he turns his head away from you! *yes, I do it just to get a good laugh* Mean, I know! Mean ole mom! Gotta get my kicks somewhere though! And the nose bulb....enough said, right? Do I need to go into detail? That darn nose bulb brings out a reaction as thought I am killing him. Once again, Mean ole mom! We are dealing with another round of ear infections....this marks #9 in the last 8 months. I am getting frustrated. Can't get a referral without the pedi, but this one won't give one...."We just have to make it to the spring when the weather stabalizes"....last month it was "if he can make it to May..." This time its "if we can just get him to the summer when the weather isn't so up and down..." I am SO tired of being pushed off. He is miserable. So another round of antibiotics, numbing ear drops *Praise God for those* even though I think Leland begs to differ on that praise, and tylenol/motrin.

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